Magic moments of touch
Cuddle party East Sussex
The next cuddle party:
Natural Fitness Centre Eastbourne BN22 7AQ
27th August 2023, 2.30pm
cost: £20
It is a fact that people in our modern world do not get enough loving touch. But mindful touch is essential for physical and mental health. Do you know that 17 cuddles per day would be perfect? But who is getting that amount? Our mobiles are getting more attention than we give to each other. How wonderful would it be to be a dog, being crawled all day.
Just finishing my cuddle workshop training I am really delighted to make my wish come true offering cuddle workshops ("cuddle parties"). This is a non erotic meeting of about 20 or 30 adults and they are fully dressed. Its for singles a n d couples, for everyone who wants to experience the magic "cuddle energy" and would like to meet warm-hearted people as well. These cuddle workshops are a playground to explore mindful touch in a protected space.
Being aware of the huge benefits of mindful loving touch and cuddles for your well being and health I think more "cuddle parties" are a must! Doctors and psychologists should recommend it! By the way "cuddle parties" were originally created in New York in 2004. In Germany the first one took place 2005 in Berlin. In UK you can find a few "cuddle parties", but it is far from enough.
So how does my "cuddle party" look like``?
After the welcome and introducing circle I will explain the cuddle rules. Have a look at it:
Then there is a warming up. This means you have the opportunity to arrive in the space and within yourself, to change from your mind into your body. Then you can slowly make contact with the others and we are doing some exercises, for example to dance with someone by just touching your finger tips or your backs, stroking neck and back etc..The warming up is finishing with a little meditation, an inner journey, in order to be connected with your inner self. Afterwards we are doing a Yes/No exercise, this is important for practising your boundaries and how it feels saying Yes and No. A short break is following where you have the opportunity to have some non alcoholic refreshments/tea/coffee/snacks and to have a chat with the other participants. After the break we go into more touching contact with each other first in form of mindful stroking and massaging in little groups of 3 or 4 people. Finally the whole group is coming together on mats for the cuddle experience which is about for an hour.
A cuddle party can be an amazing experience !!
Be aware that there is never a must of doing something. When anything does not feel right for you, you can take yourself out, a No is always accepted!
The idea is to invite you to exchange cuddles and mindful touch with everybody, including women with women and men with men.
After the cuddling there is a final circle where everybody has the opportunity to share his/her experience if they like.
The whole event takes about 3,5 to 4 hours.